You're gonna go on the left-handside where it says explore, and you're gonna go to groups. Once you click on groups,at the top left corner, there's gonna be a big bluebutton that says create group. You're gonna press that. Here, we're gonna name our group.
So, SME test. You're gonna add some people. So let's add Mitch, and then we're gonna select our privacy. We talked about that inanother video up here that you can watch through step-by-step. So let's just do privatevisible, that's my favorite. And I'm also gonnapress that little button that says pin to shortcuts. Then we're gonna press on create. And voila, your group is created. But, there's still a lotmore work you need to do. So the first thing, let's justtake it from top to bottom.
You're gonna upload a photo. Go ahead and press thatgreen button, and fill it in with some sort of a photothat you've already created. Make that look all pretty, and press save. I highly recommend thatyou use Canva or Easil to design that cover photo. The reason is is they'vealready got the design templates in there, so that you don't have to go and mess around with the sizing. The next thing that you're gonna do is go ahead and click more. And when you get into more, you're gonna go to edit group settings. When you go to edit group settings, we're gonna start from thetop and work straight down. So we got the group name.
You also might want tocheck out group type, it says general, or you can change it. This is where there's fivedifferent types of groups that you can do. I highly suggest either doing a general or a social learning. When you do a social learning group, you'll get to use units, and units is something thatwe discuss in another video that you can go checkout and learn more about. So for this one, I'll go aheadand check social learning, and then press save.
Now because I chose sociallearning, the landing tab is actually gonna giveme two different options. When my members come into the group, they're either gonnaland on the discussion, where Facebook sets the orderof the posts in the tab, or units, where we can choose the order and organization of the posts in this tab. The next section is description, and you're gonna wanna makesure that this description tells exactly what your group is about, and who it's for and who it's not for, and maybe even who it's sponsored by. This is gonna help you attract and deflect the right kinds of people.
The next thing is location. Depending on your business, this may or may not be good for you. Tags, tags help people find the groups that they might be interested in joining, and you can change 'em at any time. The next one is apps. One example is Be.Live. If you actually wanted to broadcast with Be.Live TV inside of your group, you would have to go press add app, and then find Be.Live in here. All right, linked pages. You could create a new linkedpage, or link your page. All you gotta do is click on it, and then find which pageyou're gonna link here, and press link. The next thing is choose color. I love this one, becauseit's really something that helps make it standout, especially on mobile. Customize address, I highlyrecommend doing this, just to kinda grab it, but once your group doesreach 5,000 members, you can no longer change it. And what it'll look like is you want, provided that it's not already taken.
The privacy setting. Should you ever wanna changea privacy setting again, you can do it right here bychanging privacy settings, and you can change it all around again. The next section is badges. And badges, they're always experimenting. Sometimes there's more,sometimes there's less. Today it's just the founding member. The next thing here is post topics. So you can check or uncheck this box, and it basically organizes posts by adding the topics thatare important to people. And you can also go throughmembership approval, where anyone in the groupcan approve members, which I don't really recommend, or only admins and the moderators.
I'd go ahead and check that second one. Membership preapprovals, ifyou maybe do have members that are part of another group, so maybe you alreadyhave their information, maybe they're alreadypart of your community, and you wanna justautomatically accept them without having to actually press approve, depending on how bigor small your group is, this could actually save youa lot of manpower and time. Membership requests from pages, you have the opportunityto allow other pages to become a member of your group or not. That is completely up to you. My personal opinion is not toreally allow other businesses to join your group, because I really love the human-to-human element inside groups.
However, if you're a B to B, and it makes sense for youto do that, then go for it. The next one is posting permissions, and depending on what kindagroup you have, again, either anyone can postany time of the day, or it has to be approved by the admin. I see that feature being used much more in buy and sell groups,where people want to approve that the poster has presentedwhat they're selling properly and given all the information before they approve it in the group. I don't see it happeningmuch in discussion groups. And then keyword alerts lets you know when members use certainwords or phrases in your group so you can react quickly if needed. This feature is amazing! Members who use keywords won'tknow that you're alerted, but this is a really coolway that Facebook helps you stay on top of the group. Now don't forget, no matterwhat settings you press, at the very bottom here,we're gonna wanna press save.
Now remember, any settingsthat you have put in here, you can come back and change at any time, so don't stress out toomuch, don't get anxiety, because you can always changeit, except for the vanity URL. Once you have 5,000people, ya can't change it. The next logical stepthat you're gonna wanna do is add more people to the group. But let me warn you, peoplehate getting added to groups without your askingtheir permission first. So I would rather youpost it on your page, or privately invitepeople to join your group instead of just adding them to it. It's not often a nice way to start. Next you're gonna wanna eithershow or hide the group tab on your Facebook page. So if you're really keen about getting people added to your group, I highly recommend that youshow this on your Facebook page. Let me show you what I mean. We're at our main page here. Jump Consulting is my business. We're gonna go over hereand click community.
Once we're in community, we'regonna scroll down to groups, where it says see all groups. Up here we can link your group. You're gonna click on that, and it's gonna show allthe groups that you manage, and you can link them to there. You might manage more groups than maybe what you wannaput out there publicly, and that's okay. I do recommend only linkingthe higher-level groups, obviously the ones that aren'ta paid membership maybe, or a bonus to gettinga download somewhere. So now, Facebook allows you to post as your business page or your personal profileinside your group. Now here's my personal opinion about it. There's very few timeswhere I encourage you to post as your businesspage in the group.
And that is only if it is a brand page, like Bella Vasta, publicfigure brand page, posting in the group, because it appears thatit's coming from a person. I highly discourage you to use your brand that has a logo on it,posting in the group. And my research has shown that the reach and the engagement isn't that much, because people know that it's a page, and it just doesn't feel warm and fuzzy. I highly recommend thatmore times than not, you should really be postingas your Facebook profile, or, if you're a busybrand, and you're saying, "Bella, I just can't personally do it. "I don't want people coming at me," then that's when youdefinitely need a face of the community, and youneed a community manager, or the moderators.
I know that was a littleconfusing, so let me show you. Here we are in the Jump StartYour Pet Business group, and just right up here where it says interacting as yourself, I can actually switch tothe Jump Consulting page, or to my Bella Vasta page,which is my public profile page. So now, when I post something,it looks like it might be me because it's actuallymy Bella Vasta profile, so it's actually a picture of me, whereas if I were topost as Jump Consulting, you see the Jump Consulting logo. In the long run, I do agreewith Social Media Examiner, how they love to testeverything, the data shows. So if you're on the fence about it, go ahead and try topost like your business for about a week in thegroup, and see what that does, and see if you see a dropin engagement like I did.
So now you have aFacebook group, now what? Well, we just so happento have an entire playlist just for you, yay! Where we're gonna teach you howto get people in your group, grow the group, engage the group, and use a lot of differentreally cool features. So come along and goclick on our playlist, 'cause we got a lot more in store for you.